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Benefits of Google AdWords for Real Estate Investor Advertising

Benefits of Google AdWords


The Benefits of Google AdWords for Real Estate Investors

With a magnitude of online advertising options such as “free” SEO, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and on and on, why does gaining traffic through Google AdWords warrant a position in your real estate marketing plan?

The benefits of Google AdWords for a real estate investing advertiser include:

1. The ability to reach around 90% of Internet users worldwide.  According to Search Engine Land there is an estimated 3 billion Google searches everyday. 
2. The ability to advertise on both text and rich media formats including video.
3. Flexibility of the program and control over search and display ad audiences.  Advertisers have the ability:

  • To turn on and off campaigns
  • Adjust times and days,
  • Use geographical targeting
  • Set bid amounts
  • Control their ad messages
  • Target specific keywords
  • And…much more

4. Access your account 24 hours a day for campaign management and unlimited changes.  If, at 2 am,  you think of some new ad text to find motivated sellers, jump into your account and change it.
5. The appearance of ads on thousands of websites automatically.  Using AdWords search network, you can also reach people who are using other search engines such as,, and many others.
6. The potential to receive a high return on your investment with minimal risk.  It your account is properly set, you only pay for clicks from buyer and seller searchers.
7. A low initial cost to set up and get a campaign running for immediate traffic.
8. The likelihood of very targeted, motivated customers clicking your ads.
9. Perfect ad display timing and context within the purchasing cycle.  You can be in front of motivated searchers who are trying to find solutions to a problem at the exact moment they are looking.
10. High level of measurability. You can track pretty much any component of your AdWords campaign.  Such as:

  • Cost Per Click
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Keyword Perfomance
  • Conversions
  • Cost per Conversion
  • Average Ad Position
  • Impression Share
  • And…Many More

AdWords has it’s difficulties for sure.  It’s complex.  And, if you don’t keep up on your account, can send a strong message through unwanted ad spend.  But, when properly managed, the benefits of Google AdWords can be an invaluable marketing tool for your real estate investing business.

The PPC Management team at SoaringSEM would be glad to manage your campaign, so you can focus your Real Estate Investor efforts in buying and selling properties.  Check out our PPC service packages.