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PPC ROI Calculations for Real Estate Investors


Obviously having a successful PPC ROI is one the most important factors in your real estate investor PPC campaign.  To identify your ROI, you need to measure conversions, which are typically sign ups for leads. Tracking can determine the profitability of a keyword or ad text, and track conversion rates and cost per conversion.  Below is the formula you’ll need to calculate your returns.

Calculating Your PPC ROI for Real Estate Investor Leads

Determining your PPC ROI is pretty straightforward.  You’ll need to figure out:

  • How much revenue was gained via a PPC advertisement linked sale
  • Your PPC costs (total campaign PPC costs + cost of PPC management)

Calculate your net profit by subtracting your costs from your PPC campaign revenue. Then divide your net profit by your PPC campaign costs to get your PPC campaign ROI for the given time period.

ROI Formula: Revenue-Costs/Costs=ROI

PPC ROI Example

For example,  you receive $3000 for selling a property that is directly linked to one of your PPC ads.  Then, total costs per click and PPC management equal $1000.

$3000 (Your revenue measured by conversions) – 1000 (Overall PPC costs) / 1000 (Overall PPC costs) = 200% ($2000) Return on Investment

Pay per click advertising can take patience for that right deal to come along. But, through our real estate investor PPC experience, it’s well worth it.

Display Advertising Conversions

If you choose to advertise your real estate investor website using the Display Network, you can measure conversions by brand awareness.

Display network is good for building brand awareness.

You can measure brand by measuring: impressions, client engagement using click through rate, reach and frequency. Reach is the number of visitors exposed to an ad. An increase in reach means an ad is exposed to more potential clients, in-return leading to an increase in awareness. Frequency is the average number of times that a visitor is exposed to an ad over a period of time.

Conversion Tracking Tag

Don’t forget to paste the HTML conversion tag into the body tag on the proper page.  This page is usually the page directly after the sign up is completed.  Such as a thank you page.  If investors aren’t familiar with HTML placement, most PPC agencies including SoaringSEM, will place it for them.  Without a properly placed tag, conversions will not be recorded.

Be sure to follow the conversion tag implementation each time you want to track a feature such as newsletters or lead sign ups. Without conversion tracking, it’s very difficult to justify your PPC ROI.

If you need assistance or would like to start a real estate investor PPC campaign contact SoaringSEM, or check out our Real Estate Investor PPC Service page.