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Dynamic Keyword Insertion Ads for Real Estate Investors

Dynamic Keyword Insertion for real estate investors

If you’re not familiar with dynamic keyword insertion or DKI, it is a feature of Google AdWords as well as Bing’s PPC program.  It is used to automatically insert a keyword into the headline or copy of the ad. It especially comes in handy if you have thousands of ads to take care of.  It’s accomplished with a simple syntax command: {keyword:________}.  Any important note, if you use DKI in your headline and it exceeds the 25-character limit, the headline will be shortened and most likely will not read correctly.  Same goes for the body text that exceeds the 35-character limit.

Writing Ads Using Dynamic Keyword Insertion for Real Estate Investors

Using dynamic keywords is one way to increase your targeted ad text and improve your motivated buyer and seller click-through rate.  Here is dynamic keyword insertion example used for a real estate investor campaign.  The first example of AdWords DKI had a 5.80% CTR and 16.67% Conversion Rate. The second example had a 2.47% CTR.

Example 1:

{KeyWord:Sell House in} – Boise
Competitive Cash Offer in Boise.
No Fees. Get a Free Quote Today!

Example 2:

{KeyWord:Sell House in} – Boise
Sign Up for a Free Quote Today.
Sell House Fast. It’s That Easy!

Writing ad text using DKI requires a balance. You must acknowledge several components, including the character count of your longest keyword phrase, your knack to add text to your headline and how it looks on the search page.

Tips for Dynamic Keywords Insertion Writing

  • Use descriptive word(s) along with your keyword phrases.
  • Be sure to stay within the required character limits. 25 for headline, 35 for ad text.
  • Keep it relevant. Be sure that your headline is still sending a strong message.
  • Test and track results.

With a little anticipation, you can develop a combination of dynamic keyword insertion and custom ads that rev up targeted visits to your real estate investor website.

The PPC Management team at SoaringSEM would be glad to manage your campaign, so you can focus your Real Estate Investor efforts in buying and selling properties.  Check out our PPC service packages.