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6 Reasons to Use Local PPC Ads for Local Marketing Dominance

Local PPC Ads

Use Local PPC Ads to Dominate Your Local Market

Getting your website to rank high with organic search engine results (SEO) likely the most important internet marketing strategies.  But, ranking high with SEO can be challenging.  That’s where search engine advertising using local PPC comes into play.  PPC (Pay-per-click) ads are among the fasts ways to drive your local internet marketing plan to generate more leads. 

We offer six reasons to include local PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising in your local internet marketing strategy.

Target Quality Customers by Geography and Keywords

Many people don’t realize that they can set up PPC ads to appear for people only in your city. When someone searches for “running shoes,” it’s possible to geo-target your ads to only appear for area locals. It can be done to allow targeting state-wide, by city or as targeted as by zip code.  You can optimize your campaigns to only areas of your choice. You can also target specific customer segments with keywords, and otherwise block any disinterested or distracting customers by adding in negative keywords.  The result is more targeted leads that you might receive through organic search (SEO) listing.

Local PPC ads can get you on page one of popular keyword search results!

Control the First Page of Search Results

Even if your site shows up in the top organic results for a certain keyword, you still should use pay-per-click advertising.

While your website might be have a good showing in the organic results, local PPC ads will always help to appear multiple times therefore ruling the first page of whatever search engine you’re targeting.  Controlling the first page also pushes potential competitors to the next page. As a rule, the more often your ad or website is visible to customers, the more likely they will visit your site.

Hit a Jackpot on the First Spin

Local Paid search ads can be an alternate way to increase revenue while you’re building your website for SEO.  Organic search rankings might take some time to accomplish substantial gains. Even if your website rankings top, PPC can provide added revenue.  Most businesses simply do not have the time to wait for leads or sales. This why hiring a search engine advertising agency can solve your short-term needs. As soon as your local advertising campaign goes live, your ads start appearing to your motivated buyers or sellers.

(If you need help with PPC management, get started with our PPC Service.  Although our focus is in real estate, we take on all industries.)

Quantitative Results

A benefit to local PPC advertising is reporting results.  Results are typically very straight forward and quantitative.  It’s very open and shut.  Results can be so measurable that you can see exactly which ad or component of an ad is providing a return on ad spend (ROAS) or not.   With organic search marketing, it can take some time to shift through the results.

Increase Engagement and Flexibility

Search engine advertising is much more engaging than organic listings on a number of levels. For example local ad copy promotion.  Let’s say you’re running an in-store special in a few weeks.  You can adjust your PPC campaign so ads are specific to that sales.  After the sale, simply take down those ads and record the effectiveness of the sale.

You can also add in ad extensions to your ads.  These allow your ads to be more prominent.  In return, searchers have the opportunity to click on a call link, sign-up form, location link, along with other options.  Depending on other pages on your website.

In certain markets there can be hundreds of competitors trying to capture the same customers. Just having you site visible in the search results once, might not be enough to grab the attention of potential customers.  Running a local PPC campaign can be a solution.


Organic web marketing (SEO) can keep your website ranking high for years, but this can take time to achieve.  Local PPC ads with site extensions will help to get you noticed within 24 hours and start sending qualified traffic to your website.

Local search advertising masters the art of being in the right place at the right time.  You’ll be amazed at the potential business you’ll unlock.

Local Pay-per-click can be successful with small budgets. Small campaigns can be managed by yourself, although there are so many in’s-out’s involved that you might want to consider hiring a professional PPC Service.