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Quick Reference Guide for AdWords Text Ads

Google AdWords can be a cost-effective and easy way of pulling in targeted traffic to your website.

But, in Google’s Search Network you need killer text ads to be successful.

An AdWords campaign either rises above or falls into the abyss with the quality of ad text. But don’t panic.  With a little practice, it becomes second nature to write a quality ad.

Warning:  You only have three lines of text for a total of 95 characters to sell your product or service.  You’ll able to adjust your display URL for additional keywords.

Headline – 25 characters
Line 1 – 35 characters
Line 2 – 35 characters
Display URL – 35 characters (shown)

With a little hard work and this simple 8 step reference guide to AdWords text ads, there’s no reason why your AdWords campaign can’t raise the number of signups or sales from your site.

Get started with Google AdWords.  Print this guide for a handy AdWords text ads reference checklist.

8 Simple Reference Steps for Google AdWords Text Ads

Make Your Sales Pitch in 4 Lines

  • An AdWords text ad is a clickable message, which connects potential customers with your website.
  • A text ad consists of 4 components, each with limited characters: headline, description line 1, description line 2, and display URL.
  • Use targeted keywords, consisting of mainly phrase and exact match types.  Also, be sure to keep your ad text specific and to the point.

How to Trick-Out 95 Characters

  • Stand out from your competitors by highlighting the special niches of your business.
  • Your text ad must be very targeted and relevant.
  • Create trust by testimonials, business related numbers and/or address faq’s.
  • Give searchers a reason to click with a good call-to-action.
  • Run A/B tests to see which ad text is most appealing to your audience.
  • Be sure to follow Google AdWords policies.  You don’t want to get your ad disapproved.

Overcome Ad Copy Writers Block


  • If you come down with a case of the writers’ blocks, relax.  Pushing too hard will only case you to freeze up.
  • Start doing something that makes you happy.  Get those endorphins elevated.  This will help your mind open up and created focus.
  • Perform competitor research.  This is a great way to brainstorm new ideas.

Enhance Ads with Ad Extensions

  • Implementing Ad extensions give you more ad real estate for potential customers to click your ad.
  • You can add: Sitelinks, location, call, app, review, and callout extensions.
  • Be sure to create an extension that pairs with your business and AdWords campaign goals.
  • Ad extension don’t cost you anything extra.

Create Tightly Targeted Ads with Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Google AdWords Text Ads KW's

  • Using dynamic keyword insertion, your text ad is updated with the keyword that’s used to target your ad.
  • Your text ad becomes more relevant to potential customers.
  • To use keyword insertion you need to add a code in your text ad using { }.
  • Be fully aware not to exceed character limits.  If you go over, your ads can become very confusing to the searcher. Be sure to check out Google’s policies.


Google AdWords Text Ads Target

  • With the various targeting options, such as; keyword, location, language, and device you can reach the right searcher at exactly the right time.
  • Set multiply targeting options at once.  If it fits within your goals.
  • Utilize negative keywords to block unwanted traffic.
  • By attracting only potential customers, you generate more profit.
  • Be sure to review you search terms report.  Search terms reports can possibly give you very specific search terms to be able to build bulls-eye ad text.

Use an Edit Checklist

Before you publish your ads, you should double check them.

Editing is very easy with a good checklist.



Call-to-action included

Compelling, to-the-point, text

Targeted text keywords

Display URL keywords

Correct destination URL (landing page)

Some mistakes in grammar and spelling are can deter a searcher from clicking.

Use Google AdWords Preview Tool

  • Check to see whether your ad is running and how it looks like to your customers.
  • Don’t search Google or within the Search Network for your ad. Searching will cause an increase in impressions without clicks.  This will decrease your click-through-rate.
  • Look to see which position your ad appears.   
  • To get a higher ad position, improve your Quality Score.  Quality Score factors: Your ads expected CTR, Quality Landing Page, Your display URL’s past CTR, Your ad/search relevance, Geographic performance, and your targeted device.

Take the time to check these eight areas of your campaign a few times a month.  Target written ads and well-organized AdWords accounts can provide the revenue generation you’ve been looking for.

The PPC Management team at SoaringSEM would be glad to manage your campaign.  Our focus is on Real Estate Investor PPC, but we take on all small to medium campaigns in any market.  Check out our PPC service packages.