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5 Steps to Stronger AdWords Ad Copy for Motivated Sellers

How to Write Stronger PPC Ad Copy

It takes a creative thought to write short, concise pieces of PPC ad copy.  It can be a difficult task to get a point across in a limited amount of space.  Question is, how do you close a PPC deal in just a few words?  Well maybe you don’t.

Pay per click ads are usually meant to lead to other means of closing a sale.  They are meant to drive traffic to your site.  Ad copy plays a role as lead generation tool, an announcement, or a teaser in order to build interest.

To write effective PPC ad copy, keep these considerations in mind:

Two main factors to writing successful PPC ads are selecting the right keywords and writing small ads.  Most PPC engines offer a keyword research tool such as AdWords keywords planner.  Two other sources that can be handy are SEOBook and UberSuggest.

Steps to Write Better AdWords Ad Copy for Motivated Sellers

Step One.  Use keywords or benefits in the headline.  There are many ways to write headlines, but including one of these two are very, very safe.  You’ll need to differentiate between features and benefits.  It also helps to know how you stand out from the competition.  You need to tell potential customers why you are better.

Here are a few features of a Real Estate Investor Website.

  • investor capital
  • simple process
  • cut out real estate agents
  • buys houses as-is

To get the benefit, answer the feature with a, “So, what?”  If the investor has enough capital to pay cash, a benefit would be you could sell your house fast.  Here are the benefits associated with the features:

  • fast offers
  • save time
  • save money
  • save money and time

Step Two.  Know your customers.  What are they looking for?  Be sure to understand what is the very most important benefits your customers are looking for before writing your headline and ad.

Step Three.  Maneuver keywords into your PPC ad copy for motivated sellers.  Ads using exact keywords typically have a higher click-through rate compared to ads that don’t.  This can also factor into higher quality scores.  You might find terms like sell my house fast or we buy houses (city) are strong performers.  You’ll want to work those into your ad.

Step Four.  Narrow your idea down to create a small ad that gets your point across.  Rearrange words and use a thesaurus to create ad copy that doesn’t violate PPC guidelines.  Write ads that offer specifics.  Write precise ads that will potentially keep unqualified visitors from clicking your ad.  Rather than writing in generic terms, be as specific as you can to create disqualifying PPC ad copy.  This can save a lot of money while increasing conversions.  Here’s a couple of ads that include keywords that draw in the crowd.

We Buy Houses in Boise
Need to Sell Your House This Week?
Get a Top Price Offer in 24 Hrs!

Sell Your House Fast
We Buy Houses in 7 Days or Less!
No Fees. Get a Free Online Offer.

Step Five.  Test.  Write multiple ads and give them a go.  You will be able to see which ads are performing.  Both your click-through rates and conversion rates are strong indicators.  Sometimes just changing one word can take a poor performer to a 5% CTR.  Make simple, small changes at first.  Use a strong call-to-action phrase to trigger interest.

You must be very sure and support your PPC ad copy with a great landing page.  Never begin a PPC campaign with a sub-par landing page in place.  Remember to stay focused while writing PPC ad copy.  Use the space to highlight your benefits or end results your customers are searching for.  You’ll see bigger returns on your investment.

Learn more about what SoaringSEM has to offer. Please visit our PPC Service page.